About Jimbo

 Hey there! My name is Chris, but since you are already here, you can call me Jimbo.

Just few things about the little me, just to break the ice and make you feel a bit “welcome” in here, in my humble world 😊

I am a 31 years old Greek kid,i work as a Chef (the last three years in Austria) , and to be totally honest with you, I have never had big dreams, or big goals, or anything like that. I had no idea what is gonna happen, what or where I am gonna end up. I had (and I still have till this very day) one thing though. INSANE PASSION for everything I was choosing to do. It’s irrelevant if that “thing” was a situation, a sport, a music instrument, a human being or whatever. For how long it may last (from a single day, to years….), that sick! passion if you allow me to say…it IS there. 

So that’s one thing that I love about me. (Don’t be inpatient! You may discover more in the future. We just got startedπŸ˜‰)

I am not gonna say anything more about my past or anything. But what I wanna say is, how I end up HERE. And then I will stop talking, I promise!

So, the last two and a half months [Today's date is 14/07/2024], cycling is my new passion. In these short period of time, I managed to train myself enough (physically and mentally ) in order to achieve a solo bike - trip from Greece all the way to Austria. Ok, maybe for some people this is nothing, but for me it was. In more than one ways. And that’s what actually matters. Our own opinion, about ourselves! (Always keep this little red friend, in your sweet mindπŸ™ƒ) 

In case you wanna find out more about this trip, you will find a whole chapter about it, somewhere around here. (I am not a programmer but I will do my best to make it nice and easy for you)

Also, I wanna inform you that my english is not the best, so you will probably find plenty of mistakes either in my grammar, either in my vocabulary. I am sorry for that, I will do the best I can so your eyes don't bleed that much!! 

I wanna close with this.

In very very few words, this trip, helped me find myself and feel complete, more than ever before! It also made me feel loved by me, also more than ever. And last but not least….it made me fall in love with cycling and travelling (with my bicycle GrAt of course) and the idea of this [humble world] to be created.

[Ξ™ am gonna try to organize one big trip every 12 months, and i am gonna try to upload daily the course of my trip (with some photos - videos also). I am gonna keep you updated about the exact days and times of my departuresSo, whoever wanna "travel" with me, you know where to find me!]

I am gonna say no more. I hope the universe will find a way for me to keep this passion alive for much much much longer, make a lot more trips all around the world, and I hope some of you will be here to "join the ride" . Metaphoricly or why not even literelly speaking! 

Jimbo out! 🀘

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