Completed Trip [Greece to Austria]

Greece to Austria Trip (June 15th, 2024 - June 26th, 2024)

[12 Days - 1270km - 10230m Elevation]

Day One (June 15th) :  Neo Rusio Thessalonikis - Kozani 

This was probably one of the most challenging days of the trip. The night before I begin my journey, on June 14th (coincidentally, my birthday!), I had just returned from an eight-day vacation with my buddies in Mallorca. Unfortunately, during the last two days of that trip, I came down with gastroenteritis and was still recovering. Throughout the night of the 14th, I managed to sleep for only an hour at most. A combination of a (good) anxiety, excitement, adrenaline, and a fever, kept me awake!

Waking up, the situation wasn't ideal. My body was weak, my stomach was in big (allow me the expression) shit!, and my mental state could have been much better. The biggest concern though, was whether my illness would allow me to complete the planned 160km route with its 1600 meters of elevation gain, that I had to do that day, or not. Anyway! With plenty of trust in my stomach, I ate few eggs for breakfast and hit the road!

The weather was perfect. Αfter the first fifty - sixty kilometers of riding and a quick stop under a tree in the middle of nowhere for a snack and electrolytes, I was feeling a bit better and a bit stronger. So I moved on!

After nearly fifty kilometers more, I arrived in Veria. It was arround 12 o'clock, it was super hot and the elevation was about to become serious! So I found a nice, shady spot, changed my sweaty clothes , and stayed there to rest and wait for the heat to calm down, for the next three - four hours.

The next (almost) twenty kilometers, were ascent and only! But I was in such a good mood, and my legs were in a really good condition (luckily I trained them well enough the last two months before the trip) so.... No problem!! I was like 30 minutes out  of my time schedule, (I stayed in my rest spot a bit longer than I "should" proably) so I arrived arround 21:45 to Kozani, which was my destination for that day, but nothing to worry about! (I was already in the town so there were lights everywhere, the whole "night riding time")

Finally, I arrived at Anastasia's apartment. I had spent one more night there when I was doing my training and guess what, I was the first guest there! The place was super clean,super cozy and full of positive energy. Anastasia was such a pleasant and kind woman, she knew that I was coming by bike from thessaloniki, so she left me aaaall the kind of goodies in the fridge (which I ate, of course! <3  ).  So you understand that I couldn't choose a better place to go! The perfect double bed was waiting for me, but before that.....FOOD!! I made the order, hit the shower for like 40 minutes, recieved the order, ate like a horse and started counting sheeps!

Day 2 (June 16th) :  Kozani - Milia Metsovou

Even though Ι had my alarm early in the morning and Ι was tired from the big trip of the previous day, Ι couldnt sleep much, so Ι woke up like two hours earlier than planed. Stomach was still weird, but strength was coming more and more back to me,  I had my morning shower, Ι fueled up with a good breakfast, prepped my gear and hit the road again. Plan of the day, something like 100 kilometers and about 1600 meters of elevation.

About halfway through, Ι started searching for my rest spot because the sun was already too hot for me! It took me a while because literelly I couldnt find a good enough place for me to chill,but in the end, I found a big tree!,in the middle of the road, and I said f###k it, that's where I stop! (It was not SO bad after all). 

I ate some snacks that I bought from a mini market that I found like an hour ago,and a sandwitch that had left from the previous night, and after that, I layed down on my beautiful blue "matting" ! The mosquitos and the insects had a party arround me so after like two hours (maximum), I screwed up with sun-cream and moved on!

As I was cycling, I crossed a bridge and I looked on my right. The place was looking really pretty, so I said to myself, "Okay, I think that deserves a few minutes of detour". So I turned back for like three-four hundred meters, I got off my bike, and walked for like hundred to hundred fifty meters more, "carrying" Grat (that's my bike ye), because the road was rocky, and Grat's feet are sensitive! And yes, the detour was absolutely worth it after all.  It was something like a river, with a lot of green here and there. I stayed for like 5 minutes to watch and listen the sound of the flowing water (It relaxes me so hard doing this... I highly recomemd it to you whenever you have the chance!) and I left.

After,three more hours of cycling or so, and plenty of elevation, I saw by a small distance the Milia village. The place was making you feel so peaceful, and calm. A lot of green and lot's of cows where arround. So by the minute I entered the village, a sweet grandpa saw me, aproached me and started talking to me. And then it hit me.... This human being was an absolute warm,kind, innocent and honest soul. But no bullshit,guys! You don't find this in nowdays. Not in this society! And mostly, it's even harder to hear it by me! He was in such a mood to listen to my story , where i started my journey from and where am I heading to. He also told me that he enjoyed talking with "european" people (well yes!, you can consider me a european guy since I live in my country one - two months per year the most!, in my country) . He was used to it because plenty of them were leaving among them back in 1950. 

[Okay, I am TOTALLY NOT the history type of a guy but I loved this old grandpa, his aura and generally the whole atmosphere of the village, so I am in the mood to say this just so you also know a little bit of something about that place and its kind people. This village burned down three times from the germans so the villagers run away and fled to neighboring areas and in 1950 they managed to return and rebuild the whole thing. So tha's probably the reason why this grandpa was used to talk to people from other countries].

After I ate at the village's Greek taverna , I went to the house that I had rent for that night. I took my shower and went outside just across the street, to the old traditional cafe that was there to find some ice for my legs. (daily ice therapy was more than necesery!). Childen, mid age, and third age people, were ALL there. I took the ice and on my way back home, a lady who was sitting in a table with her husband and three more people, talked to me and asked me where do i come from and what am i doing there. So I told them, and at the same time, they asked me to sit with them. The fact that they were so interested to listen to my story, was so cool! They offered me something to drink and while I was doing my ice therapy, I had a really nice conversation with them!

The day couldn't have ended on a more positive and heartwarming way!

Day 3 (June 17th) : Milia Metsovou - Ioannina

That morning, I took my time to wake up and start moving, since I had only arround seventy eight kilometers to do that day, and a decent amount of elevation of course, since the Greek part (as I maybe already told you again),was all about climbing! So I gothered my stuff, and sit outside to the balcony to have my breakfast.  I was almost ready to go when I saw one of the ladies that I was sitting with last night coming towards me. She came to my yard and she gave me two big slices of homade bread that she made, cheese, and some fruits! Again...people of this village,were from another world. They really treated me like their own son or something. She wished me best of luck for my journey, we said goodbye, and I hit the road!

After like ten kilometers of ascent, I reached to an endless, flat, green and beautiful piece of land, which was full of cows and sheeps! 

[In this point guys, i have to confess something. I am already three days on the road, alone with myself! And to be honest, i already started feeling this trip like a psychotherapy for me. During my cycling... I am crying a lot, I am smiling a lot, I am realizing things about me and about life, and generally.... I FEEL everything very strongly! I can't really describe you how important or beautiful this "thing" is, but I am gonna try with just few words. I start feeling, happier than ever and more complete than anytime in my life before. For the first time in my life, I SEE life and its real (and simple) beauty! But for now, I said enough about this. I dont wanna make you get bored so I will keep going!]

The place was just....beautiful, and as I was riding through it, my mind was clear like crystal water! The absolute calmness. I can't describe you how happy and full I was feeling. Few kilometers later, I saw one hundred meters away from me, a bull, moving to the middle of the road, as he was staring at me, so I stoped for a moment and after one minute, I tried to start moving again. But by the second I did that, the bull started moving towards me, as he was keep staring at me. It was that moment that I knew that it's not a good idea to go to his way. But since that was the way that I had to go, I had to do something about it! So I video called my friend Greg (he usually knows some "weird stuff" that you are not supposed to know), so that momment , my mind runned to him! 

I explained him the situation and of course we started laughing! He made a research in Google about "How you avoid bulls!"  or " How you make bulls NOT to attack you" and stuff like that! The first thing he told me was, "Don't make eye contact"! and I was like "SHIT!, Greg.... I made like two times eye contact with him! He is gonna punish me! Help mE!! 😅 As he was explaining me NOT to make any fast or sudden moves, i saw the black bull,leaving the center of the road and heading to the grass where the other cows were. So I told Greg, "Greg!!, that's my window! That's my moment!" So I clicked my cycling shoes to my pedals, and start riding as fast as I could, with Greg and me still in the video call of course,laughing the heart out of us! We did it Greg!! ( Thanks for your psychological support!)

It was time for our (mine and Grat's) rest break so I had already started searching for a good spot. This time, I was very lucky because I found a small paradise. (I am not overselling this guys, I mean it!!) As I was passing by a big bridge, I looked on my right, and I saw it. I am not good with words, (especially in english) but the place was beautiful! Green, shady and cold, with some rocks and the water was floating. Couldn't ask for more. The only "bad" thing was that in order to get there, I had to carry Grat few meters and few rocky steps. But it totaly worthed it!

[By the way, when i was about to go down to this small paradise, an ice cream truck driver saw me, stoped the truck, he came out of it, asked me if I am alright,gave me 2 ice creams, shaked my hand, we exchanged two three words, and he left!]

I stayed there for a couple of hours, I even removed all of my clothes and had a shower in that cold water, and then I had a quick thirty minutes nap! I was feeling FREE! I was living the best time of my life. (no kidding)

It was time! So I carried Grat again all the way up to the road, and moved on! I was already half way of my day's destination (maybe even a bit further). After ten - fifteen tough kilometers, the rest was nice and easy. So arround 20 : 00 o'clock I arrived to the city Ioannina. I was cycling in such nice and pieceful places , that I was already sick and tired of cities and places with lots of people. I felt a bit bad by the second I arrived to the city.

My beautiful Air bnb, and my perfect double bed though, made me forget all about that! I had a long shower, ate like a horse and I went to bed! It was a nice day...

Day Four (June 18th) :  Ioannina - Igoumenitsa

Arround 90 kilometers and 1300 meters ascent left before my final Greek destination! Then, I would take the boat (20 hours trip), to go to Ankona (Italy). 

Guys, seriously.... I can't describe to you how I was feeling from the Day one!,till now!! But it was something beautiful. I couldn't stop crying, when I was arriving in my each day's destination, while I was cycling....while I was taking my shower and listening to music...or whatever! But the truth is, that I really felt (and actually knew!), that it was totally normal, and healthy! This journey...was changing my life, making all of my insecurities and all my shit inside my head, go away! My soul was getting cleansed! :)

I had already done the half of the trip for that day, when i found another small paradise to rest myself! I got some of the rope that I had in my bags, cut 4-5 meters of it, and tied it up to the two trees that I found somewhere close to me! Yes, it was laundry time! I grabed all of my clothes (some wet, some dirty), went to the river that was 10 meters away from me, washed them up, and hanged them on the rope!

Once again, I stayed naked, and enjoyed the hell out of me! Laughing,screaming and playing with the water, just by myself! (for sure if anyone saw me that day, he/she would think that something is very wrong with me!)

I even managed to sleep for like 30 minutes or so, tide up all of my shit, prepaired my lovely Grat, and we hit the road once again!

I was done with ALL of the elevations that I had in Greek lands. (It was something more than 6000m if I remember correct at the moment!) Woohoooo!!  Only descent left!! As I was going down to catch my boat, I saw a dog in the middle of the road, so I stoped to check its reactions! He was friendly, and very hungry! Luckily for him, I had a pita gyro in my backpack! He ate it in 30 seconds! I left him there and started cycling, but he was running with me and barking non stoply! Probably he was telling me NOT to leave him! (I hope he is doing fine <3 )

A few kilometers before I arrive to Igoumenitsa and to my boat, I found 3 cyclists going the same way with me. So as we were cycling, we exchanged few words! I told them really fast my story and where my journey started from, and they were really impressed! We rode together for 5-6 kilometers and then all of them except one, said goodbye and left! The last one, stayed with me and accompany me all the way to the port! We exhanged our Instagrams and he wished me best of luck before he leaves!

I checked in, and boarded the ship! We are heading to Italy now!!

I put Grat in a nice and safe place and I immediately moved to the boat's restaurant! Grabed A LOT OF food, found a place to sit, and started eating like a wolf!! After an hour or so, one guy approached me and asked me if he could join me, as he did. After two - three minutes, ten more people came to the big table that I was sitting alone. All of them werell friends of the first guy who joined me. They were on a huge roadtrip with old, classic, beautiful cars, and they were travelling all arround the Europe! It was funny because I was "trapped" in the corner of the table among eleven people that I just met. Funny but nice! Such an interesting thing.... People from all arround the world!! Italy, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, China....everything! (We even took a picture all together but unfortunately I don't have it!). They asked me about my story so i took four - five minutes of their time to explain them. It was a good feeling because they sheemed to like my adventure. We ate, we talked, we laughed, and it was time for me to leave them and search for a place in the boat to rest.

In Four days, 440 - 450 kilometers, climbing the Greek mountains!

To this point, I was feeling more than prepared about my journey (psyshically and mentally), and I wanted MORE!!!

Day Five (June 19th) :  Ankona - Rimini  (Italy)

Τhe night past, and the sun was up! Ι managed to sleep one hour on the floor, and four hours on a sofa! Once again, adrenaline and enthousiasm kept me awake. So I started walking arround! I waited until the lunch time and then I went to the restaurant, ate some food, and found a nice place on the deck to sit, till we reach to Ankona!

It was a "serious" day, bcause the boat was arriving to Ankona at 17:00, and I had to be in Rimini (which was one hundred and five kilometers far) before it gets dark! (which was arround 21:20 - 21:30)

I found a really nice application called Warmshowers, which was only for bike - travellers. The deal with this app was something like that, people were giving you a room in their house , or a place in their garden to put your tent! It was for free, and it was something from a traveller to a traveller. So maybe in the future, you would be the one who would help the person who helped you! Something like that!

So I had found this place to stay that day, from this App! Elisa was her name! And I would stay in one of her bedrooms in her big beautiful house! In order to do that though, I had to RUN! 

It was 17:00 o'clock already and we were still NOT there. I was getting a bit anxious, but I had it under control! I was the first person who was standing in front of the doors that leads you to the vehicles!
They opened the doors, and I started running! Grabed my bike, set up everything properly, and waiting for the boat to anchor! Ι could hear the sound of the huge anchor's chains, reaching the bottom of the sea! We were there!!  The boat was thirty minutes late! So i had maximum four hours before it gets dark! "Run Jimbo, Run!!"

I don't have much to say about this day guys, because it was all about RACING! I will be TOTALLY honest with you (like I will always be), I was a bit tired from the journey so far (Nothing to worry, just in totally normal levels), and mostly I was a bit tired of the 20 hours trip with the boat, and the shitty sleep that i had), and the fact that I had to do all these kilometers in this period of time, it was a bit rough. Especially because Grat had something like fifteen - seventeen kilos weight on him! Despite all that, I didn't stop pedalling, not even for a second! Seriously, not even once! I didn't put any music on my phone this time, I didn't check any messages, I didn't do anything! I was feeling like I am on a race or something!

Four hours and three minutes...... That was my time to reach to Rimini. I don't know what you think guys, and to be discusstingly honest with you (always with love <3 ) I don't really care!!, but for me...?!, I was so fucking proud about my self! (Αnd I will share a big secret with you right now). The feelings inside me that moment....Oufff... words can't describe it well enough. But even now, after all this time... I am writing this down and I am crying like baby.  Incredible!!

Elisa was out for a dinner, she thought that I will arrive arround 23:00 or so, and at 21:30 when I told her that I am there she was a bit surprised! So I sit down on a pizzeria that she told me it was a good one, ordered my pizza,my coca-cola (Black energy!), like cyclists call it ( I will tell you a story about this later on), and waited for Elisa to come and pick me up!

Ι didn't even had finished my pizza, when Eliza and a friend of her  (Fuck I forgot his name! But he was the sweetest guy ever!! I remember that! ) , came! Elisa wanted to hear everything about my story, and as always...I LOVE!, when people are interested to listen to my story! So as I was finishing my pizza and my second coca-cola, I told them few things about my story, and then we said goodbye to Elisa's friend and we went to her place which was literelly 50 meters next to the pizzeria. 

She even gave me space in her garage to put Grat in. Nice and safe! She showed me my lovely room, she even gave me my own bathroom!!! ( she was amazing, super sweet and with a super positive energy!), and gave me fresh and clean towels! I couldn't ask ANYTHING more...especially after this long day!

I had my shower, and then I went to the kitchen and talked with Elisa for maybe 30 minutes more or so. She had to wake up early because she was working, and I had to wake up early because I had to hit the road again! She also told me that she had a cat, but the cat was so NOT into guests and into new faces, so I would never meet her cat! We gave a big warm hug, I thanked her for EVERYTHING, and we said goodnight!

I left my window door open because it was a very hot day, I took my magnesium pill, set my alarm, and went to bed. And then.....a strange thing happened..... The cat!!! He was a black beautiful cat! I could barely see him, because it was dark and he was totally black! But I heard a noice coming from my backpack. He was cleaning his teeth and he was playing with it. I called him and he came, so I played with him for a moment. For the next thirty minutes he was going out and he was coming back to me, I was giving him a scratch and then he was leaving again. In the end, I fall asleep. 

Next morning, Elisa was already awake and preparing breakfast for us! (what I did to deserve that anyway?!!) We had breakfast together, and when I told her about the cat, she was shocked! She told me that this is a very good sign! To be honest, that made me feel happy! What can I say?? Animals love me! :D

She told me that she was planning to make also a solo bike trip, so I told her NOT to postpone it...Not even for a day! Just DO IT!
We exchanged our contacts and we said "Till next time"!

In this point,I really wanna say this.

We have to STOP postpone things, guys....ACT! Stop finding stupid excuses and PLEASE, ACT!! The years will pass, and you will be old ugly and weak, before you know it!

Day Six (June 20th) :  Rimini - Bologna  

The good thing with the part of Italy that I had to ride, was that it was flat! So even if after a hard day I had to do (more or less) one hundred thirty five kilometers more, it was doable! I had to eat pretty well though! So after my breakfast with Elisa, I started moving to Bologna. Pretty soon, I already wanted to make a fast stop to eat something, because it was really hot and I was swetting too much! (generally I am a swetter, even if I don't have that much fat on me, weird...) I found a nice shady spot under a big tree (as always), and ate some of the left overs from the pizza that I bought yesterday! After that, I was ready to rock again!  I was almost half way to Bologna, (so something like sixty - seventy kilometers were done), when I saw the TEMPLE! Me and my buddies (Greg and Fotis), we love eating to our temple...  What do we call our Temple, you would wonder... Mc Donalds of course!! So when I saw Mc Donalds on the road... I was imidiatly hungry!  I needed gas!! So I ordered one Mc Flurry and two fresh orange juices! I stayed there twenty - twenty five minutes and then I started moving again!

Almost seventy kilometers more had left, but I really wanted to stop somewhere to eat some serious food, because my strength would not be enough for all the way to Bologna, without a stop. I can tell that this day, is almost all about food, but seriously guys... I was burning too many calories every day, and when it was hot, it was much much worse. I was losing so much weight so fast! 

I sent a message to Elisa and asked her where would be a nice place for me to stop and eat something. She replied me pretty fast and she told me to go to a place which was in a farm, and all of the products where from that farm! Nice and fresh! This place was also close to Mineral Waters Park, which would be my rest spot, before Bologna. So I headed to this restaurant, but I was so unlucky because it closed! For that day and the next three...the bosses were on vacation or something like that!  It was in Italian so I don't really remember what was written on the door! ( I took a picture I will show you later). 

I was getting pissed because I was so hungry, and EVERYTHING was closed at that time. So after forty minutes of searching and ten kilometers for no reason.... I ended up to the super market that was the ONLY thing that was open. I grabed the first food that my eyes saw and went to the Mineral waters park, found a place to sit, and eat like a maniac! (I even took fried fish from the super market!!  THAT hungry I was!)

When I was on the road, searching for that food as I told you, an unknown number was calling me. But I was not in the mood, and I wanted to take my break as soon as possible, so I didn't pick it up. After two hours or something, when I was already eating in my rest spot in Mineral Waters Park, dad called me. I pick up the phone and a conversation like this followed :
Me: Hey, what's up?
My dad: Did you pick up the phone earlier?
Me: No,why?
My dad: They where calling you from Alfa!! ( Alfa is one of the two - three "famous" channels in Greek TV)
Me: What the hell?? How this happened? 
My dad: I called them and I told them that my son started a solo bike trip from Greece, all the way up to Austria. So after that, they started calling me, and they wanted to speak with you to plan an "interview" live on TV. So I gave them your number!

This crazy motherfucker (my dad :D ), called the fucking news and told them about me and my trip! 
So when I finally knew!, I called them back. I started talking with this Guy, ( who had the same name with me, Chris). I told him my story, and he asked me to find some of my photos and videos from the trip, in order to prepair my story for the TV. He also told me that in three, four days from that day, we will set up the time, and I will be Live on TV in their show. They will ask me few questions, and they will let people know about who am I and what am I doing!

When we finished our video call, to be honest with you, I didn't know how I was feeling. The idea of me being Live on air, showing my face, speaking.... it made me feel a bit weird (good weird though).
I didn't expect that, all!

Anyway!, I already had some nice photos, but I had to take some videos also because I didn't have any good ones to give him! But we will speak about this later on again.

I finished with my food, I rested a little bit, and then I started moving again. After arround three more hours of cycling, I reached to Bologna. First stop, was at the place that I found to sleep, through Warmshowers app of course! Pietro was there , waiting for me!

He was a very good and kind guy! He showed me my room, the bathroom, and everything that I needed! 
There was a beautiful black piano in "my" room that made me wonder! And then I knew.... Pietro was a musician! His main instrument was the biolin, but he was also training and playing others. Piano was one of them, and that day he had to make some piano Rehearsals, because the next day he had an Audition! (I was enjoying every single day of my trip more than I can describe to you!) All these new places...nature,and different kind of people that I was was incredible and so so interesting!!

He told me that he is going to eat with his neighbors and I would meet him later on, so he gave me a spare of keys, and he left. 

I had a nice and warm shower, and then I went outside to find a place to eat some nice home made pasta! I walked arround the block for maybe three - four hundred meters and then I found a nice and cozy place to sit. I ordred tortelini with parmesan cream sauce, bread, and black energy! ;)

When I got home, Pietro was already there, practising with his piano! He noticed that I came back and he tryied to put on his headphones but immidiately I told him that he can keep playing like this. It was so nice that I was in a musicians place and listening to him practising.

When he finished, we sit together for a bit, and then it was time for both of us to go to bed. He told me  that if I saw him laying down on the floor, that it would be because when is getting too hot, he is just laying down on the floor, because it's much more colder down there.

Before I go to bed, I went outside, and I saw him laying down on the floor so I asked him if he wants us to take a photo! He said yes and while he was about to stand up, I stopped him and told him to stay down on the floor and I would join him down there. He loved the idea and he smiled and laughed at the same time! (he really liked the idea i think) So we took a really cool photo, as we were laying down on the floor with our underwear and with his tedybear!! (Such a nice and happy moment!!)

We said goodnight, and we both went to bed! (he stayed on the floor of course!)

Day Seven (June 21th) : Bologna - Compazzo (around ten kilometers far away from Modena)

Pietro's violin rehearsal woke me up arround seven thirty in the morning. I had never had heard violin ever before (only in television of course)! It was very strange and very interesting at the same time that this was actually happening! I was in Bologna, with my bike...thousand kilometers away from home....and I was in a "stranger's" house, sleeping on his bed....listening to his violin rehearsal. It was so fucking COOL!!

When he was done, I was also ready to go! So we said goodbye, I wished him best of luck for his odision, I thanked him for everything!!!, and we took our seperate ways!

This day would be probably the easiest of the whole trip. Only sixty five flat kilometers, until I reach to my next warmshowers' hoster!

But before I go there, I stoped to Modena for.....what else?? Food!! I found a nice restaurant with a few cute wooden sits outside ( most of them were free), and since I liked the place, I stayed there! 
I parked Grat just opposite of the restaurant, so I can check on him, and I made the order! Pappardelle with bologneze, and some nice and warm homemade bread ( with some pork fat) and salami! And don't forget about black energy!!

Before I continue my trip, (even if only twenty to thirty kilometers had left), I decided to rest in a nice and shadowy park, just because I ate too much and I needed some time to be ready to hit the road again!

After on hour or so, I was feeling more than ready. (The truth is that since day one that I started my journey, the ONLY moments that I was feeling completely calm and peacefull, was the times that i was riding my bike.) Seriously guys, I am not kidding, anytime that for any reason I was not riding Grat, even if that reason was sleeping, or resting, or eating, or chilling, or whatever!!, I was feeling something like a pain in my chest. It was very weird. But I thought that it had to do with my adrenaline,my enthousiasm, and probably about all these kilometers that I was doing every day. I was HIPED!!  I was not worried about it though because as I told you, by the second that my feet were clicking to Grat's pedals....EVERYTHING was going away! And I was completely FREE again!

I was still waiting for Enrico's (the name of my hoster for that day) confirmation about the accomodation! But I thought that I will have it by the time I will arrive there. After half an hour, more or less, I arrived to the place. But since I still didn't have any reply, I didn't wanna enter the house like this, so I stoped one hundred meters away from the house and just waited. When I was checking my phone to see if Enrico replied, I saw one man coming towards me! It was him! He told me that he recieved my message that morning (but I sent it last night), so anyway there was a missunderstanding and he thought that I am arriving the next day! But luckily, there was no problem and he told me that I can sleep there!

He took me to his place and by the second I was there, I felt it! The ULTIMATE peace! The place was a paradise on earth. A beautiful place, lost in the fields... Sorry guys, I wish my english were better in order to describe it how it deserves it but.... seriously... The first feeling that I had when I was there was that one : "I wanna live here forever!!" My mom,my sister, my dad... I had calls from everyone, and I did just one thing! I sent a message to my sister and these was the exact words that I used : "I am okay, I am in paradise... I am living the best moments of my life....  I will throw my phone away! Just tell everyone I am okay, because I am not gonna reply to anyone, or spend any other second with my phone! (okay maybe only for one two pictures and that's it!!)

But it was getting better and better... Enrico showed me the place that I was about to sleep. And guess what.... It was a fucking tree house in the yard!!! Can you believe it??! I  would put my tend on the top of a tree house and I would sleep there!! I mean.... how much better could the things go??? I was the happiest guy on earth! (and I promise you...I am not overselling anything...quite the opposite I could say!). 

I couldn't thank him enough, and I couldn't stop telling him that. After he showed me everything outside, we went in his house, and he introduced me to his wife, Karin! The energy of these two people....seperately, but also as a unit, was..... unique! Such nice people...full of kindness,calmness and warmth! I got lost for a moment to the living room, Karin was "working" on her clay creations, and Enrico was fixing something on his bike! So I layed down on the sofa in the living room, listening to a VERY VERY chilling and relaxing melody that was playing from their radio...smelling the burning candles that were arround, and discovering my new world... (Physically, but mostly, mentally!)

After half an hour or so, Enrico told me that he is going with his car to pick up few more people that are going to spend their night with us also! (more travelers were coming!!).
It didn't take more than fifteen minutes,when he was already back with 3 more people. A couple ( that I barely saw), and Sydney! Sydney was a twenty-five year old girl (if I remember correctly), full of energy and craziness AND....she was also a chef! She was a really good kid (and I loved!! teasing her and her crazy Australian accent!!)

Karin and Enrico decided that since there were two Chefs in the house, they could cook for us! So me and Sydney, "sharpened our knives", put our aprons on, and got to business! Karin gave us also a time line, because she wanted to meditate later so she put the pressure on us! (She was the boss!!) We had something more than one hour if I remember correct! (I feeled like I am in Master Chef or something! We checked the fridge and generally all the products that were available, and since we were in Italy, we decided to make pasta with tomato sauce, garlic,chili and vegetables! One more girl who was Enrico's neighbour, came, so she also gave us a hand (just for the fun of it!). All the products that we used it was from Enrico's and Karin's garden. (So nice :) ) Ten more minutes and we were ready to rock! And yes, we were on time!! We set the table up with everything, and we served the food! We had to keep aside one portion though because on more traveler was coming, Roberta!

The pasta was nice, and it looked like everyone liked it, so that made me feel nice! Twenty minutes had past since we sit on the table, when Roberta arrived! (I like when I am talking about people's energy so I am gonna do it again). It was a bit "weird" energy, but in a good way! Again, my english doesn't help me that much but I will do my best! I will set it like this.... When I saw her, these were the words that came in my mind! "Speed, energised, light, little devil ( in a good way :D ) " . I don't know if I made you understand a little bit how I felt it. Anyway!, she was a really nice girl, happy, and full of energy! She was a good one!

After everyone finished with the food, Roberta had prepaired desert for us. Salame al cioccolato!! I am not a fun of dark chocolate (and it was full of it), but it was really good! So I ate my piece!

We sit on the table and we talked for a bit more, and then Karin and the neighbour (sorry sweetie!! I can't remember your name!! even if I check your instagram :D ,  but you are lovely!! you and your desert that you made with the fruits and the whipped cream! ), went for their meditation class! I made my laundry, and it was about to get dark so I had to go and set up my tent! (Yes! on he top of the tree house!!!) So I put my flashlight on my head, and got to work! Roberta also came with me because she would be my neighbour (She would sleep in a hammock one floor under me ! ), so she had to prepair her bed also!

It was a bit tricky to set my tent up there because the place was just enough for it,but I was enjoying every second of it! I was feeling like Mogli!!
When I finished, I noticed that Roberta was sitting on the table that we had in our "yard", and she was watching the sky really focused! So she triggered my interest, and I joined her for a momment. I was already thinking that the day couldn't go any better, but I was wrong! It was a FULL fucking moon! I mean.... I was in a perfect place, with perfect people, perfect energy, PERFECT tree house.... aaand a full moon!! I was just loving my life!! 

We talked a little bit with Roberta and then we both hit the bed! (she had also to wake up early to go for hiking!)

One more night that I couldn't sleep,but could I??? I was living the best moments of my life! I was super hiped, full of energy and emotions! ( even I was riding like a maniac!!) 

Day Eight (June 22th) : Compazzo - Verona

Cock started "singing" arround 5:30 , so Roberta and I, woke up at that time also! I packed my tent and everything, and I moved in the front of the house with all of my stuff! Sydney was still sleeping like a rock, Karin and the neighbour were about to go to work (they would gother fruits from the trees!!, I don't know about you but for me....that was interesting ! ) and Enrico was fixing something at his garage! So I had my breakfast, I checked if I packed everything, and I was ready to go! Roberta was also leaving so she was the first one that I said goodbye to. Karin and the neighbour was next, (and after they left), I stayed for a couple of minutes with Enrico. I told him that I would never forget what he did for me, and that I would be waiting for the chance to "repay" him!! We said goodbye, we huged, we gave a strong handshake, and I left! (Sydney is probably still sleeping!!)

The day was warm and sunny! I had to ride for something more than one hundred kilometers that day (still flat though!). As I was riding, I was replying to some of my messages on Instagram, and for two seconds I wasn't paying attention on the road (I know that was very wrong of me), and in this two seconds, Grat's front wheel fall into a big hole which was in the middle of the shitty road that I was cycling. In the same second, my front tire was destroyed (at least the inside tube of it), so after I yelled to myself a little bit, I stoped, and I started changing the tube. (of course I had everything with me, tools, tubes, whatever! To be honest I think I was prepaired for ALMOST everything!). I am not gonna lie to you guys... Maybe I saw many times when I was a kid how people, or my dad, or my cousins, were doing that shit, but for me?? I think (if I am not mistaken), it was the FIRST time that I am actually doing this. And in a wheel of a race's a bit more different (I dont know if its harder or easier but its different for sure). 

I started the process and i removed all the parts that I had to remove. I placed all the small ones on the top of my backpack which was on the floor ( and that was wrong because when I usually do similar shit like this) I always put everything on top of a nice, clean and visible place! In that way I am not gonna lose anything! So anyway, this time I placed them on the top of my bagpack. I was doing this under the sun though, so I decided to move fifteen meters further, where was a big thick shadow. So without thinking...I grabed my backpack and placed it to the place that was the shadow. And it was that moment, I knew that I fucked up!! All the small parts from my wheel, were somewhere in the grass. I started ripping of the grass with my hands, the whole road was full of it, and people and cars were passing by and looking at me like "what the hell is this guy doing to the grass, and why?!". It's so funny to describe it but at that moment I was so fucking ungry with myself and my stupidity! I found all of the pieces except one!! I called Enrico so he could maybe help me find one of these, somewhere arround! And even if he was already on his bike, enjoying a small ride... ( I forgot to tell you that Enrico also LOVED bicycles, and the bike - traveling life!) but despite all that, after no more than 10 minutes, he was there, willing to help me. So I explained to him the part that I lost, I gave him also the repaired tire that I was already done with, so he could just put the air in it (I had the tool to put the air in the tube but it was a small one and this race bikes' tubes need a LOT of air , so it would be much faster if he would do that with a propper tool!) and he left. As I was waiting for him to come back, I continued my "grass - research", like an idiot... on my knees, under the sun, cutting the grass... After an hour or so, and when the road was FULL of the grass that I had cut, I FOUND IT!! I was laughing by myself! So I called Enrico and told him. He was relieved because he couldn't find anywhere the piece that I needed. So he just finished with the tube, and he came back to me!

After all that shit, and all of my own stupidity... I can say one thing. I replaced my fucked up tire's tube, in less than ten minutes, even if it was my first time doing it! So despite of few things...I was proud of me!

Enrico came back, gave me the tube, and after I placed it back on Grat and checked if I have done everything correct, I thanked Enrico ONE MORE time... and we said goodbye again!  (seriously....this guy is an Angel!!)

Grat was again in a perfect condition, and we were both ready to ride again! After twenty - thirty kilometers of riding, Chris (the reporter from the Greek channel) was calling me, so I picked it up. He wanted me to send him few more photos and some videos of me riding my bike! But he already prepaired me for this one, two days ago, so I already had asked from Enrico (my angel), to film me for few seconds as I was riding Grat! So the only thing I had to do, was to stop somewhere, take some selfies...and place the phone somewhere so I can get some clips of me , "prepairing" my bike for a ride.
I was feeling super weird as I was doing it, but at the same time it was kind of funny! I was feeling like I am going through a photoshooting or something!

I send everything to Chris, and I told him that he could use anything he wants. We spoke few minutes on the phone about the details, and he let me know that the next day, between 11:00 to 13:00 o'clock, the Greek Channel (Alfa) will call me through skype, and we will be LIVE on TV!! Chris was very kind, and he was a cool guy.  (I liked him)

After I arranged everything with him, I was already in my rest stop. So I stayed there for one - two hours, ate something, rest a little bit, and then I was ready to go!

The truth is that I had stll absolutely no idea where the place that I would stay would be! And suddenly, I had a message from Roberta! She told me that she had a friend in Verona, who is organizing the tents and everything for a festival that was about to happen, and that he is gonna spend the night over there. She told him about me, my journey, and that I needed a place to spend my night, and he was totally okay with it. So from nowhere!, I had a shelter for that night!! (Enrico was not the only angel I had after all!) I don't know if I was just lucky, or it was just about that in hjourneys like this....THAT'S the kind of people you meet. Either way...the point is that during this AMAZING trip that I had.... I met incredible people, and ONLY! (and believe me...the words don't even describe it at 30 percent of what it really was!!)

I was already half way there, so only something less than sixty kilometers had left! I arrived to the "camp", quite early (arround 19:00 or so). There were a lot of people arround, and the truth is that I had NO idea who am I searching for. So I aproached the guy with the pink moikana who was standing in the middle of the big tent! and just asked him ! "Hey!, is there any chance that you or any of you here. know a girl called Roberta, maybe?!" The truth is that noone knew her! :D  But despite of that, they asked me what I need. So i just told them that I need a place to stay for the night! They told me that probably there would be no problem, but they would just had to ask their leader! So I just sit and wait. As I was waiting, I met all the people of the camp, they were all lovely and super kind! They were asking about my story and they were so interested to listen about it! So the time flied, and the lady that had told me that they had to ask their leader about me, came back with an answer. And the answer was YES of course. (Again.....what is wrong with all these kind of people that I meet and they are all so fucking amazing???!).  I left some of my stuff there, and I went in a pizzeria 2-3 kilometers away from the camp, to eat something! (a guy from the camp suggested this pizzeria to me)

The place was super nice and kozy! I found a table outside, I parked Grat next to me, and I ordered a pizza diabola, french fries, and a big coke!! 

One of my problems during my trip was that I couldn't (or lets say I didn't want to!) leave my bike alone, even for few minutes to go to the toilet or something) So everytime I was trying to find someone that would look trustworthy enough, to keep an eye on my bike, so I can go! (even like this, this maybe happened ONLY few times and under specific circumstances!!! (of course I had a locker with me but still, my stuff was on my bike was not for everything!)

A young couple was sitting right next to me. so I didn't lose more time and I asked them if they could keep an eye on Grat while I am in the toilet! They smiled to me and they told me that they are also cyclists! And of course that would be no problem! When I came back from the toilet, they asked me where I come from and what I was doing there! So really fast I told them about my story and they gave me their respects!! (I am not gonna say it again but YES, I am gonna say it again..) What....the....hell??
I never like in general!! I don't like "anyone"!! But during this trip....what is going on??? Why everyone is so lovely?? and helpfull?!!

As I was about to finish my meal...I ordered one more pizza which I was planning to give to the guys in the camp, just to say "thank you" for what they did for me by allowing me to stay to "their place"!
I said goodbye to the couple I met, and I headed back to the camp. It was almost night already when I entered the camp and everybody was gone! Only one girl and one guy was there. We introduced ourselfs and I asked them were I can set up my tent. After we were all done with our whatever business we had, we sit on the table, opened some bottles of beers, and start talking! They were a couple, and (guess what), they were lovely! (seriously, I don't wanna repeat my self, and I don't wanna sell it in a nice way or anything!) It's just the truth!

One hour had already past and we were still talking, and when I told them the story with Roberta and that noone knew her, the guy "Alberto" looked at me and told me, "Hey, that was me!, I am Roberta's friend who knew that you were coming!". (I mean....that was actually quite funny!) After all this time, all these people that I met in the camp...and after two hours of talking with Alberto and his girlfriend.... He was the guy that I was searching for!

As we were talking, we saw some crazy thunders happening on the sky, and we also saw in google that the weather was about to get crazy arround one o'clock in the morning! So we decided to move aaaall of our stuff (and our tents of course) inside the big tents of the camp! Alberto also asked my to help him secure all the tents from the rain, so after he showed me the way of how to make the ropes to secure the tents...I got to work! It was a super funny and in the same time interesting and nice feeling that I had in that particular moment... I was hundred of kilometers away from my home, with my a festival camp, with two people that I just met, we were all super high from the joint that we smoked, securing the tents from a big rain that was coming! It was fucking awesome!!!

(I remember that super weird feeling,being high, having NO IDEA what I am doing with these ropes...and I was laughing alone!)

Everything was done and secure! We also set our tents and everything inside, so we were ready to sleep!
We spoke for few minutes more and then it was time to say goodnight!!

Day Nine (23th of June) : Verona - Trento

To this point....I have something to confess guys. It was the eighth day of my trip, and despite all of my tireness... I still didn't have a good sleep ANY of these nights. I was waking up about three, four times, during the night, and I was sleeping four - five hours MAXIMUM! But THAT night.....It happened! I slept eight straight fucking hours!! [Okay, probably the joint that I smoked with the guys did the trick, but seriously...I needed it more than ever!] When I woke up I was feeling AMAZING! Super happy, and super strong!

I woke up the guys, I thanked them from the botom of my heart, we huged....and we said goodbye!! The previous night, they told me a story about a place quite next to the camp, on the mountains. (I am really sorry that I don't remember the history of that place but if we ask Alberto he will let us know for sure.) He knew such a lot of things, historical and not only! But anyway, in few words, (and please Alberto correct me if I am wrong), this place was something like a passage for armies (and not only) which was taking place many many many years ago. And...the best part of it, somewhere arround there, there was also a cave! (yeap, you heard me!) A cave! So my destination for that morning, (which was actually also the day that the Greek channel would call me live on Skype), was that cave!

I had already the instructions about how to get there, by Alberto! It was fifteen minutes ride, and then, i had to carry Grat for something about one - two kilometers  on the mountains, on a road that it was not possible to ride! It was a bit rough to do it, six - seven o'clock in the morning, but it totally worthed it!!
I forgot to mention that it was a rainy day, so before I start from the camp, I was dressed up full waterproof!

The cave was AMAZING, and a bit scary at the same time! And it was also huge! So after few minutes that I started already to feel comfortable....I went inside, and set up a small place so I could sleep for few hours, before the call from Greece!

When I woke up, I found a nice place to set up Grat so camera could see him at the same time as me, while we would be live on TV!  (I also tried to find a place that the rain couldn't reach so easily because it didn't stop raining that day) I had to be outside of the cave because inside there was no signal!

To be honest, I was not nervous at all about the call! You could even say that I couldn't wait! First they called me in my cell phone. I spoke with a lady and she told that when we hang up, they will call me through skype! And so it happened. I was fucking live on TV guys! I never thought that something like this would happen to me. I couldn't hide my smile! I was feeling so weird that I knew that people actually was listening to everything that I was saying! I knew also that all the members of my family (and not only) where gothered in my cousin's bar in my village Mesotopos (somewhere close to Kavala which is in Greece of course) and they were watching me!

The truth is that I didn't speak that much. The whole thing lasted for three,four minutes! They asked few things about me, why am I doing it, what were the dificulties that I was facing, and stuff like that! (I think there is a link about the whole think. I will try to leave it somewhere in my site, just in case someone is curious!, of course it's in Greek though so, I am sorry about that!)

When the call ended, I got a message from my sister.... (I am not gonna tell you what the message was about), but I am gonna tell you this. Most of the times, I don't act like it, or I am not saying it, but...
She is my everything, I am super proud of her, and I love her more than anything!  (Mom and dad, don't be jealous!, I love you both more that anything also, and you had to be super happy that you created two lovely kids like us, that they love each other so much <3 )

After few phone calls, and few messages, about what just happened, I had to move! Unluckily, the rain was still there! But I had to move on! So, totally waterproofed, I carried Grat all the way down, and I hit the road! 

I had a hard day of one hundred ten kilometers distance and one thousand nine hundred meters of elevation! And the worst part? It was raining like hell! (Thank God at least I bought really good waterproof equipment and everything)

I was already half way, but I needed a food stop, and also I needed to change my clothes because it was SUPER wet. Not from the rain (because I was well protected), but from my swet! So I searched on maps, and I found a Temple!! (yes I am talking about Mc Donalds of course!) So I went there, changed my clothes in the bathroom, and I ate five chicken burgers, two portions of fries, one coca - kola , and desert of course! 

I was waiting for the rain to calm down a little bit, as I was waiting the food in my stomach to do the same! After an hour or so, I saw my window! The rain was almost completely gone! So I didn't lose anytime! I "clicked" my feet on Grat and I hit the road!

One more thing that I loved about this trip, was that I felt the support from so many people that I didn't even expect to! (And of course I felt exactly the opposite from some others, but I don't really care about this part). The point is that I was feeling that I am not alone!

The day was really hard, and the rain was making it really hard. But....We are fucking fighters,right? 
I was loving each second and each difficulty of it!

I had almost fogot to book a room that day! So I made quick stop somewhere under a bridge and I found an airbnb in Trento. So I booked it! (The lady asked me what time I am arriving because it was a last minute call) I was lucky so she could manage to prepair the room for me!

I was ten kilometers away from my destination, super TIRED, super wet.... and it was that moment that I realized that I fucked up, bacause I was so damn stupid and I didn't realize that the room that I booked for that day it was on the top of Trento! So the last ten kilomers of my ride (okay to be 100% honest with you, it was seven kilometers!), I was DEAD, hungry and weak!, and I had to do this seven kilometers of nonstop elevation! I am not gonna lie to you guys, I was a bit desperate! I stoped 2 minutes on the side of the road to gother some mentaly strength and I told to my self. "Stop being a pussy, you can fucking DO IT, so just click your damn feet on Grat, and just PEDAL!"
And you know what? It worked!! It wook me probably too long to finish these seven kilometers, but I did it! And when I arrived, I was crying like a baby from happiness! (I am also crying right now that I am typing it...even if it's like a month or so that all these happened!)

The lady gave me all the instructions that I needed to find the house, and the way to get inside! We would meet the next morning because she wanted so badly to listen to my story before I leave!

So I ordered food (sushi day!!!), I had a nice warm and cold shower, made my ice therapy, ate my not so good sushi, took my magnesium, set my super wet laundry up, and slept like a baby!!

Day Ten (24th of June) : Trento - Merano

I woke up and the first thing I did, was to check my clothes and most importantly, my cycling ones. The thing is that the weather was cloudy and rainy, so everything was still wet! I talked with the owner of the house (I am so sorry that I don't rememeber her name), and she asked me (if it's possible of course), to wait for her, because she really wanted to listen to my story, check my backpacking set up on Grat, and ask for some travel advises! So, of course I did wait for her!

She arrived with her husband, their son Matteo and their BEAUTIFUL dog! They were a very happy, warm, kind and sweet family! And their dog....ouf!! He was a beauty!!

As we were talking, I was having my breakfast, drinking my tea, and preparing my stuff! She also gave me an air-dryer to dry at least the cycling clothes that I needed for my ride (and it worked perfectly!),

She was telling me that she wanted to make her own journey with her bike, so she needed to learn few things about the set up of the bike, about the dangers out on the road, the necessery supplies, and generally few usefull stuff about long distance biketrips!

After an hour or so, and after I had a nice conversation with the her and her family, I was ready to hit the road again. But before I leave, we took a picture all together and of course the star of the picture was the dog! We exchanged also contacts with Matteo. (he was such a good and kind guy!) And we said that we would probably meet again somehow! I huged and said goodbye to everyone (I also did a HUGE hug to the dogie), I put my waterproof shit on, and I left! (I am not gonna lie, honestly....I would reall really love to see EVERY SINGLE person that I met in this travel, again!!)

After two - three hours of riding, I found a nice place with a beautiful mountain view, and a really good atmoshpere, that was the perfect spot for gas refeel!!

I ordred their "local home made toast" (or something like that anyway!), which was a gigantic toast, with home made bread ( which was delicious), a portion of french fries, and of course a big glass of black energy!!

I chilled a little bit for an hour or so over that place, and then I left! The weather was definetely not good, but at least it wasn't raining the WHOLE time, so comparing to the previous day, I should not complain! It was also an easy ride, maybe even a little bit less than one hundred kilometers, with four - five hundred of elevation (or something like that).  

I arrived to Merano quite early (17:00 to 18:00 o'clock maximum!), and I had just realized that I still didn't have searched for a place to stay that night! (sometimes my mind was on the road and only, so I didn't realize that everyday I had to do a research about where I am gonna spend my night!) So when I arrived to the city, I went to the center, and found a place to sit and drink something. I sit on a table with three others, that they were probably living there, and after I told them about where I come from, I started asking them about places that I could spend my night to! A Bosnian (or Russian, or I don't really remember) guy, was sitting next to me, and he was talking to me about war ships, guns, rockets, war planes and stuff like that, nonstoply!! He loved that kind of shit! And he had that "russian" awesome accent!

They suggested me two or three places! Two of them were quite expensive but the third's one (which was a hostel) prices, were really good! I called to the hostel and after I spoke with the reception, I managed to book a room that was for two persons, just for myself (so I would have my own room and my own bathroom) in the price of 35€ ). I finished my juice, said goodbye to my new "friends", and left.

The hostel was five - six hundred meters away from there. I found the reception guy, he informed me that the breakfast (yeap!, I also head a breakfast for free!!) will be served from 7:30 to 9:30, he gave me my room keys and it was just the time for his shift to end!

I went to my room (which was quite nice actually), ordered some food (yes, I ordered sushi again, okay??!), and until the order arrives, I hit the shower!

Okay guys, it was the second day in a row that the sushi that I ate, was SHIT! I mean....I was super hungry so obviously I ate the whole thing but....Come on!! Why it had to be so bad??

I had already took some ice from a bar close to the hostel, so I checked Grat for ten minutes to make sure that everything is alright, did my ice therapy and went to bed!

Day Eleven (25th of June) : Merano - San Valentino (auf der Haide)

I was (more or less) two hundred kilometers away from my final destination and I was feeling stronger than ever, mentally and also physically. My legs were killing it, and my psychological situation was incredible! To be totally honest with you guys...I could even say that I was feeling a bit sad, because my journey was coming to its end! (and the truth is that it was coming to its end two - three days earlier that I expected! I was going too fast! At least for my standards! (don't forget that I started cycling almost one and a half month before that journey)

It was my last night before I arrive to St. Anton, so I wanted something fancy for my last day of my "vacation". And of course I wanted to congratulate my self for what I had achieved! So I found a really nice hotel, in a really nice place (just next to a huge,beautiful lake), and I booked a room for me!

The route from Merano to San Valentino, was incredible! Full of green, rivers, and outstanding views! The route that I was following, was full of cyclists! And you could already feel that you even if you were still in were not! You were actually already in Austria. The ONLY reason you couldn't actually say that you are in Austria, was because you still didn't have passed the boarders!

For a moment, the route was a bit sketchy, so as I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to ask someone, If I am still in the right way. Just to be sure!

That's how I met Martyn! Martyn was one of the highlights of my journey! He is a 68 years old Australian guy, and he is a traveller his whole life! As I was passing by him, I asked him something about the route, and that's how it started! He told me really fast about his story, I told him about mine, and we realised that for the next 150 kilometers or so, we had the same destination! So we decided to do it together!

It was really nice that after eleven days, I actually find someone to ride with! I mean, I am not complaining, I wouldn't like my journey to be ANY diferent, and I wouldn't change the fact that I was traveling by myself! But a little bit of a company after all these days would be much apreciated! Plus, Martyn was an awesome guy, with A LOT OF experience at cycling, and at traveling in general! And you know what?? Remember that I was about to tell you a story about how I learned about "black energy"?! Well, this is the man who told me about coca cola and its nickname! I was really happy riding with him and to be honest, I had the feeling that he felt the same!

I could write so many things about what we talked about, about his travels, about his life, about so many interesting shit! But that's his story to share! One thing that I would like to share though, is that he was travelling without a sim card on his phone! And he was only comunicating with the world, at his stops! Through wifi and only! And every night... he was opening his i-pad, and he was letting some special and specific people know, about where he is, and if he is doing fine! And guess what!! I became one of this 36 people! So every day after the day we met, I was recieving an email from him! That email was like an update about his current situation! I don't know if I had to feel like that but to be honest, I felt a little bit "proud" that he put me in that list! Even if it was nothing....for me it was! And that thing, also helped me get the idea of creating "my world" in here! So for that also, I thank you old man!!!

After few kilometers of riding with Martyn, we stoped in a nice place to get some food! He also wanted to charge the battery of his e-bike! (he had already done something like 2500 kilometers by the time I met him!) I was arround at 1100 kilometers! We had ALWAYS something to talk about. So many many experiences that man had. It was amazing. 

We spend one hour (maybe a bit more) at that place, we asked the bill, and then it was time for us to keep moving. He had already became friends with almost everyone in that place! He was such a social person! So as we were leaving he shouted to his "new friends", Solidacci!!

We took our bikes, and we hit the road! After few minutes, I asked him about this "Solidacci" thing! And he told me that it's a word that he created! And he is "trying" to spread it through the whole world! So from that moment, I decided that I am gonna help him as much as I can, on that mission! So, Solidacci my friends!! 

I have to add a small detail to this point. I don't remember how exactly we ended up there, BUT!, for me he was Assholio Number One!, and for him, I was Assholio Number Two! (Of course "Assholio" comes from Asshole!) The truth is that after only few hours with this old crazy Australian old man!, we felt really close to each other, and we were making a lot of jokes, and speaking like we had met years ago! And that was really nice! He taught me how to read the signs on the road, about which routes are better to follow and why (if they are close to a river or not, and what that could mean), about what clothes are better to wear, and generally, so so so many interesting and helpfull things about travelling and not only!

As we were riding, I told him about the hotel that I booked, and the place that this hotel was! He told me that he would maybe join me for that night and he would also book a room at the same hotel! That made me really happy actually because we would not separate so soon!

He was in Greece for two or three times already (maybe more, forgive me Assholio If I remember wrong!), and the funny part is that he had some friends in Chalkidiki, which is a place really close to me. And more specificly, one of his friends was the owner of a greek taverna in a place that I used to go! So for a moment, we stopped, and we took a selfie! So next time that I will go to that place, I will show to the owner this picture! (imagine his face when he sees that picture from a complete stranger!)

We were few kilometers away from the Austrian boarders, but as I told you before, it was already like were in Austria! And you wanna know which the "funny" part was...? Elevation was real again! ( we were climbing the Alps) And this Assholio and his beautiful e-bike!!, after every climb, they were there....waiting for the young man to climb, and making fun of him! (and by him I mean ME of course!). But guys, seriously....I was climbing the hills like nothing! I was in the best shape that I could be so far! And every time when I was reaching Martyn, I was shouting to him... "The old man is waiting for the young one!!. Solidacci Assholio number One!!!". And he was replying to me.... "Solidacci Assholio number Two"! 

We were having so much fun, and the time, and the kilometers, were flying!! Few kilometers before we arrive to the hotel, we stopped somewhere to have an ice cream!! (we needed some gas!!) A quick rain passed by, and when it stopped, we headed to the hotel! The route was beautiful, and the lake was.....outstanding!! The hotel was right next to this lake. It was a good one! (at least in my eyes!).

First thing we did when we arrived was to find a room for Assholio number One! And we did! It was official, we would spend one more day with this crazy old man! We parked our bikes to the hotel's garage, we took our room keys from the reception, and we said that we gonna meet at the hotel's bar in like an hour or so!

My room was really nice (nothing special but nice!), and there were two windows with a mountain view! (unfortunately I didn't have a balcony). I hanged my wet clothes all arround the room, I hit the shower for thirty good minutes, and then I went downstairs to meet Martyn!

We had one,two beers, made our plan for the morning ride, and after we had our fun, it was time for us to rest! Tomorrow was a big day, with a respectful part of elevation, and one more thing......It was the last day of my journey!!! Seriously, I was feeling sad because this dream was coming to an end....and to be honest, I was feeling tired at all! (but at the same time, I am sure that deep down in my head, I was super proud of me).

Day Twelve (26th of June) : San Valentino - St. Anton am Arlberg (Finish line!!!)

I woke up with a phone call from my friend Fotis. It was arround 8:00 Greece time, so arround 7:00 my time! I don't remember if I mentioned this but even if I did, I will say it now, one more time. During my journey, I had few people that they really kept me company along the way. And that for me was very helpful....mentaly speaking! Fotis was one of these persons! (Thank you malaka! You, and all the others!!) After we spoke for few minutes about general shit, he told me :

- Hey, when you arrive to St. Anton today, I have a present for you!
- What are you talking about, leave the bullshit!! 
- No seriously, just before you arrive, I will send you a link!
- What link??
- I made a song for you! It will be on Youtube by the time you arrive!

You don't know Fotis, but I do! And seriously... (in a funny and good way of course), he is always full of shit. You can (almost) never take his words seriously! So I just laughed, said ok ok! And we hanged up the phone!

I got ready, and I went downstairs to meet Martyn for our breakfast! 

We had a really really really nice and FULL breakfast since we needed to fuel up for our morning "climbing"! We picked up all of our stuff, and we went downstairs to the garage, to pick up our bikes. As we were about to leave, the owner from the hotel came to me with a paper and he was like, you forgot to pay! 
Seriously guys!!, when I booked the hotel, I put my card and everything, so I really thought that I had paid. But nope! I didn't pay any money for the booking, so yeap...if that man was just few more minutes late, I would have left without paying! And that would be really a shame, because they were really good people! (Not that if they were not, it would be fine to leave like this, but you got the point!!)

So anyway, I went upstairs to his office, explained to him why I was confused (he totally understood of course), I payed, and I went downstairs to pick up Grat, where Martyn was already there. waiting for me!

We were just few kilometers, and few climbs away from the Austrian boarders! After two,three hours, we saw it! The big blue sign, "AUSTRIA"!!! We did it! (I fucking did it!!)

Maybe I can't describe it properly to you guys....maybe I am just shit at writing...maybe something else, I really don't know, but one thing I know for sure! The way I was feeling that moment (and many many many other moments during this trip) was priceless! It was amazing.... So simple...and so HUGE.... All I needed...was just a backpack, and two wheels....and I could be the happiest man in the fucking world! That's how simple life is, and we miss the whole point. Every fucking day, we live....but we actually don't! What the hell are we doing wrong, ha?? Maybe we have to thing about it! For sure this trip was something that I had to do!! To be able to realize all of these!

We took some solo photos by the sign, and some with the two Assholios together! The time we arrived there, there was arriving also a couple with their bikes! So we took them also a photo since they asked anyway!

After few minutes, we hit the road again! It was official,we were in Austria!

Something less than fifty kilometers left before me and Assholio number One, take seperate ways! But before that!, we had to put our waterproofs on, since it was raining again! As we were getting ready, two riders stoped next to us to do the same! And of course we met and we took some photos together! (I have them, so you gonna see them ;) ) Waterproofs ON, and we were ready to rock!! 

I don't know if we were in the wrong way or not, but we were riding in a big road, with tunnels, and cars coming fast! (Assholio number One. didn't like it that much!!). But after few kilometers of that, of course he found a new way for us to take. A more safe one! So we took that one! 

We were arround thirty kilometers away from our common destination, so before that, we stopped for food! It was a cold and rainy day so, a soup and some fried pommes, would do the job!! 

The rain was not so bad at that moment, so we decided to take advantage of this "good weather window"!

The more close to the finish line I was, the less I wanted for all of this to be over! Seriously, I wasn't feeling any tired, mentally or physically! I wanted to keep going! But even if I did, it was the last kilometers of this extraordinary!! journey! We were in Landeck (something less than thirty kilometers away from my final destination, St. Anton am Arlberg!). Martin had to go to Innsbruck from there, and then keep moving for his own journey which its finish line was to Rastede in Germany. 

We stoped in a Cafe for our "last" stop before we say "Solidacci" to each other!! We ate,we drunk, and we had some more fun! 

I am laying on my bed right now, having my laptop on my laps, and as I am typing right now, pictures from the whole journey are poping in my head! So many beautiful many warm and sweet (and REAL) feelings...and moments! 
Till our next ride together.....Solidacci my friend! Thank you for everything. Really... 
For your company, your energy, your will to trully LIVE!, for the travelling lessons that you gave me, and generally, thanks for everything!! We will meet again for sure in one of our next cycling trips!!

After riding almost two days with this crazy old man, I was on my own again! It may sounds weird but you know what? I missed it! I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVED Martyn's company and everything, for real! But don't forget....that was MY trip, my solo trip! I wanted that to be like this! So even If I needed some company here and there....Of course I loved my solo moments also!

I was almost there!! A war of feelings was happening in my head! And as I was getting closer and closer to St. Anton....everything was getting MORE and more intense! 

It started raining again and also was getting too windy. I was wet and few kilometers before I arrive, I started to feel a bit tired also! (We had already few good climbs with assholio that day, after all!) Quite few people on media was texting me about the time that I will arrive, and generally they were "all" getting excited about it! 

I was entering the village and the feeling when I was passing by the gas station close to my house, as I was thinking from where I came from, and how!!, was...... Pfffff..... priceless! I cried already so many times during this journey, so I think I didn't much more of that left, for the finish line! I was very chill, very cool, very focused, very strong and very healthy (both outside and inside). 
Mission accomplished!

As I was riding in the middle of the main road of the village with Grat, about two. three hundred meters away, I saw someone standing in the middle of the road, looking to my direction! I didn't know who was it, but I knew for sure that he is looking at me! I was almost outside of my house when I realised that this man who was looking at me, was my Chef, who was filming me with his phone as I was arriving!

He called me a crazy "m@#@# fucker"!!!            (If you ask me.....Yes I am!!!!) 

That was it guys, I fucking did it! I was feeling amazing. Without overselling it, and being completely honest with you... I was feeling happier and more complete as a human been, than ever! I think this trip was something like my salvation after this rough year that I had! But I am not complaining! 
As I always keep saying to my self....  Some people call it "Everything is happening for a reason", I translate this like  " Whatever is happening to you, especially if you DEAL with it, (sooner or later, it doesnt really matter), it makes you who you really are!! So everything is either a good memory, either a lesson! So it's a win win.... ;)

I wanna thank seperately each one of you who was there for me, and also, I never mention it but I wanna also thank Babis, who is working in the bike store  "Rez Zeppelin" in my town Thessaloniki. Let's say that he is my "mechanic" and whenever I had any questions or any problem with my bike, I was calling him and he was always there! So thanks a lot mate!

It was a BEAUTIFUL adventure, and you all made it even better! 
I wanna close with "a message". I am noone,and I know nothing, so what I am gonna say my opinion and only! Nothing more,nothing less. You can keep it, or you can throw it to the garbage! Both ways are more than acceptable and understandable!

Never compromise with the few. You deserve the best! Don't let this corrupted society and all these corrupted people inside it, consume you, and destroy your brain...and your life! Get out there and FAIL! So you can try again,and again, and again....! It will worth it one milion times more that being "stable and safe", living a life that your parents, or your girlfriend, or your wife, or your friend, or anyone else apart from YOU, wanna live! Do what the fuck you want!!!! Please!!

Be safe,be happy and be YOU! 
Till the next Journey, Jimbo out!!

[PS : The crazy mother fucker Fotis, had already sent me the link of the song he was talking about and I said that I am gonna check that out after the three hours bath that I was about to take!! He was serious, He made a fucking song for me, and the whole thing, and the lyrics....and everything, was all about me and my journey! (In case you wanna hear it, you will find links somewhere in here!!)
 I am not gonna say much, I am just gonna say that I was crying like a baby as I was listening to it, and also what Fotis did for me.....gave birth to a BIG and CRAZY idea of mine! (You will learn more about this if I find the balls to actually just try!, to make this idea come true!)]

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