September 18, 2024

Day 2

 Message of the day : We are AT LEAST, (let's say) three times stronger (mentally and physically), than we think we are. Trust me on this one.  But even if you don't trust me... I will give you an example. (A real one)

I am not gonna hide it...Or pretend something that its not there! So,because of the war that I had with the weather yesterday... Today I was tired before I even begin! 

So after the first 30kms and a good climb.... I had already started thinking that I will not be able to do the 100kms that I planned to do for today! Maybe not even the 60! I can't say that I was desperate, no! The only reason that will make me stop for the day's goal,before I "supposed" to...would be only if my legs doesn't allow me to continue! 

But I was thinking that maybe my powers will abandon me. But you know what? In the end... not only I did the 100 kms...but I could do even more.

So trust me when I tell you... we are much stronger than we think we are! You just have to trust yourselves! πŸ˜‰

After half way or so...I stopped in a gas station to change my super "wet from my sweat" clothes. (I used this air machine that toilets have! At least it was useful once just for a change!)  

I was in there for a bit...and as I was getting my cycling pants dry, and I was just with my underwear...a guy knocked the door, opened it, and without knowing me or where I am coming from....He spoke Greek to me and said with a smile on his face.... "come on! What are you doing here for so long? I need to pee! "

And as I was laughing (because the way he said that was really funny), he said "come outside...2 mins and then you come back inside again!"

So ended up outside of the toilet...outside to the gas station....just with my underwear πŸ˜… For a moment I thought that police will arrest me!

Anyway this didn't happen! So I finished with my clothes and kept moving !

I was a bit late the last 15 kilometers or so...had to do them with my head lights ON! (it was fun to be honest ). 

The only problem was that when I arrived to the "city"...I couldn't find a place to sleep (yea this time I didn't book anything earlier). So I was almost ready to just take my tent and set it up in the first place that I will find in front of me (which would SUCK big time...coz I was DEAD... and I really didn't have any power to set up my tent...and I also needed a warm shower!!

So thank God I found a nice guy on the streets...(with a beautiful and sweet sweet dog, which didn't stop playing with meπŸ’š) and after 20 mins of searching...we found a hotel that has free rooms and it doesnt cost 300 euros!

I went for check in...found a place to eat a pizza, a coke, and a hot tea, and went straight to my room to take a warm shower and DIE!

Which is what I am gonna do RIGHT not actually, right after my ice therapy!

Have a good one🀘

September 17, 2024

Austria - Greece (Day one)

 So, I don't know if it's a curse or something but each "first day" of both of my trips...was totally a disaster πŸ˜…

130 kms full of wind, rain, and COLD! 

The last 8kms was also a nightmare since it was a big uphill! But we survived mother fuckers!!

This time...Grat (My bike), is a bit too heavy and that's a big problem to be honest. The thing is that this journey will last at least!!,25 to 30 days, so I needed to take more stuff with me. Anyway! (At least I will have "monster legs" when I survive all this!)

To the good part now!

I had missed so much!!, all these feelings that the first journey gave me. But after the first 5 kms of my ride...they came all back! 

Even if the weather was really bad...and super cold...and Grat was so hard to carry! In a weird way, I was enjoying it! 

It was really hard the first 80 kms...I also had to do some adjustments with my stuff in my backpack and on Grat...but in the end...It got better! But in the last became SHIT again πŸ˜…

I had already done 120 or so and I was really tired (I already was on my 80th kilometer when I made the adjustments so...that @@@ me up pretty bad!). So after 120 kms...I had to climb for 8! It was brutal... I was screaming as I was climbing and I was flirting with leg cramps all the way upπŸ˜… But I am stubborn as hell so, I managed! 

I came to the house that I found through warmshowers app, and I met a really interesting couple! They show me arround and I headed straight to the shower! I was super wet and cold so I needed a warm one!!! 

To this point guys, I have a confession to make. As I was sitting on my knees (in order the water NOT to go everywhere !), I don't know how...or why it happened...(probably because as I have already told you...cycling is working as a HUGE psychotherapy for me...) ,  I hugged my self and became something like a ball!, and started crying and kissing me. (If you find this's not)  Maybe you just don't get that. (If you don't...I really wish you one day you will. And if you do...I am happy for that!) 

I will say it again....what I am doing with the bike...the travels and all that....makes all my possible insecurities or everything stupid that I MAY have in my go away! Just like that! I can see what really matters. And what really matters is ME.  (It's US!  Everyone for him/her self!) If you find a way to loveyourself....then you are winners. Trust me on this one! 

So yea...because of that....I LOVE cycling... brings to the surface the BEST of me. (Words cannot describe the whole image but its ok!)

Anyway! It was an interesting first day! But it's getting late and I am really tired so that's it for today ! 

Tomorrow 6 am, morning wake up , for meditation with Martyn and his lovely wife! (That would be awesome!!😁😁)

Nighty night to everyone !

August 22, 2024

Upcoming Trip - Fundraising Trip!!

Hey guys! At 17th of September I am gonna start my next big trip. Starting point, St. Anton am Arlberg of Austria and finish line, The Smart Paws in Sparta,Greece! It's gonna be a Balkan tour! 

I have a big love about cycling and about nature, but apart from these...I also have a big love about animals (and doggies!!!).

So I wanna dedicate this journey to "Smart Paws - Save A Stray" - "Strays_Sparta_Greece". "Smart Paws-Save A Stray" - "Strays_Sparta_Greece" is a non-profit organization in Sparta (which is a city in northern Greece).  

I have links for everything, here in my site! And if you have ANY questions, I would be more than happy to talk with you! 

This organization consists of 10 individuals who have been carrying out an incredibly challenging task for the past three years, ever since the group was established. Some of them have been doing this work for much longer, even before this "team" was officially formed. The municipality of Sparta currently shelters 105 dogs, but unfortunately, there is no room for more. As a result, all the stray dogs they find—of which there are many—are taken into their own homes! They sleep there, they are fed there—everything happens there! What they are doing is truly admirable, and they deserve endless praise (at the very least)!!

One of their main goals is to spay and neuter as many animals as possible so that the number of strays gradually decreases. Additionally, they aim to find homes for all the dogs that are adoptable, so that the municipality can eventually empty the shelter, close down the current facility, and build a new, larger one!

Any money raised from this campaign will be donated to these 10 heroes... and their amazing team! The campaign goes LIVE today, and on September 17th, early in the morning, I’ll be on my bike, starting a great adventure. I would be absolutely thrilled to have you by my side so we can experience this journey together.

And if, through this entire journey, we manage to do something great for these lovely souls, I’ll be incredibly happy!!

We can achieve incredible things if we all come together as one big team. And who knows... maybe Karma really does exist... ;)

When the countdown clock is zeroed, I will hit the road! Stay tuned!