September 17, 2024

Austria - Greece (Day one)

 So, I don't know if it's a curse or something but each "first day" of both of my trips...was totally a disaster 😅

130 kms full of wind, rain, and COLD! 

The last 8kms was also a nightmare since it was a big uphill! But we survived mother fuckers!!

This time...Grat (My bike), is a bit too heavy and that's a big problem to be honest. The thing is that this journey will last at least!!,25 to 30 days, so I needed to take more stuff with me. Anyway! (At least I will have "monster legs" when I survive all this!)

To the good part now!

I had missed so much!!, all these feelings that the first journey gave me. But after the first 5 kms of my ride...they came all back! 

Even if the weather was really bad...and super cold...and Grat was so hard to carry! In a weird way, I was enjoying it! 

It was really hard the first 80 kms...I also had to do some adjustments with my stuff in my backpack and on Grat...but in the end...It got better! But in the last became SHIT again 😅

I had already done 120 or so and I was really tired (I already was on my 80th kilometer when I made the adjustments so...that @@@ me up pretty bad!). So after 120 kms...I had to climb for 8! It was brutal... I was screaming as I was climbing and I was flirting with leg cramps all the way up😅 But I am stubborn as hell so, I managed! 

I came to the house that I found through warmshowers app, and I met a really interesting couple! They show me arround and I headed straight to the shower! I was super wet and cold so I needed a warm one!!! 

To this point guys, I have a confession to make. As I was sitting on my knees (in order the water NOT to go everywhere !), I don't know how...or why it happened...(probably because as I have already told you...cycling is working as a HUGE psychotherapy for me...) ,  I hugged my self and became something like a ball!, and started crying and kissing me. (If you find this's not)  Maybe you just don't get that. (If you don't...I really wish you one day you will. And if you do...I am happy for that!) 

I will say it again....what I am doing with the bike...the travels and all that....makes all my possible insecurities or everything stupid that I MAY have in my go away! Just like that! I can see what really matters. And what really matters is ME.  (It's US!  Everyone for him/her self!) If you find a way to loveyourself....then you are winners. Trust me on this one! 

So yea...because of that....I LOVE cycling... brings to the surface the BEST of me. (Words cannot describe the whole image but its ok!)

Anyway! It was an interesting first day! But it's getting late and I am really tired so that's it for today ! 

Tomorrow 6 am, morning wake up , for meditation with Martyn and his lovely wife! (That would be awesome!!😁😁)

Nighty night to everyone !

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